AVENGERS 5 Rumored Production Update Revealed; Shawn Levy May Be Out Of The Running To Direct

AVENGERS 5 Rumored Production Update Revealed; Shawn Levy May Be Out Of The Running To Direct

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mountainman - 12/19/2023, 12:13 PM
Why are 6/7 suggested actors black? Couldn’t a recasted Kang be any race?
Feralwookiee - 12/19/2023, 12:18 PM
@mountainman - This is "modern Hollywood" we're talking about here, so...
WhateverItTakes - 12/19/2023, 12:33 PM
@mountainman - well he could be his original race that way it could tie in naturally to the Richards family
EgoEgor - 12/19/2023, 12:43 PM
@mountainman - like it or not, they established the character as black. Might have different race variants but the main or majority have been already established as black. Particularly in the Kang arena.
WEAPONXOXOXO - 12/19/2023, 12:49 PM
@mountainman - Or left handed! Thank you very much!
HenrySpiderman - 12/19/2023, 12:53 PM
@EgoEgor - This site has some weird obsession with like wokeness now to be blunt. Obviously a black casted actor is gonna have black variants. This isn't like adapting a comic. We've seen him in universe so people are gonna expect someone who looks like majors.
BlackStar25 - 12/19/2023, 1:00 PM
@mountainman - Id say no considering the multiple times we have seen him on screen (even as a child) was black but hey...Whatever fuels your agenda I guess...
mountainman - 12/19/2023, 1:15 PM
@EgoEgor - For multiple characters that we have seen, variants can be played by different actors. In Loki, his variants are a variety of races, sexes and animal types. There really isn’t a narrative reason why the new actor has to be black.

Personally I’d rather them just move on from Kang rather than recast. Even if they bring in another actor, regardless of race, I have zero interest in the remainder of Kang’s storyline.

And it seems as if a lot of the general audience doesn’t care either.
mountainman - 12/19/2023, 1:16 PM
@BlackStar25 - Saying that they can follow their own rules set forth in loki and variants can be of any race is an agenda? How is race swapping not the agenda?
marvel72 - 12/19/2023, 1:18 PM
@mountainman - Exactly what I said yesterday and was called a bigot.
JonC - 12/19/2023, 1:38 PM
@mountainman - Trevor Slattery... the true villain that was hiding as an actor the whole time... he certainly has the acting ability to pull it off... he was great as the Mandarin before we realized he was a drunk british actor.
pucrepeap - 12/19/2023, 1:59 PM
@HenrySpiderman - Loki had a literal alligator as a variant
RedFury - 12/19/2023, 2:15 PM
@mountainman - so I'm going to say my piece without insinuating that you're a bigot or racist.

You're right in saying that they've laid out the rules in a way that a variant can be any race, gender, or species.

But to go and change his race during a recast seems way out of left fielD. And aside from his character in the comics being white, there is nothing within the plot of the MCU that would justify such a drastic change to a main character. Even with Loki showing the potential of what variants can be, those characters were minor. To go and change Kangs look entirely would basically just be making a new character. The semblance matters at this point in my opinion.

It just makes more sense within the story to continue down the path that they laid out with him being a black man.
mountainman - 12/19/2023, 2:28 PM
@RedFury - Yes aside from the fact that the character in all media since his inception has always been white.

You can call me whatever names you’d like to. Those terms are meaningless with how much they are used in the wrong situations these days.

They can cast Daniel Day Lewis as Kang for all I care. This storyline has gone nowhere and most people just don’t care about the multiverse.

It is just ironic how some people are ok with black washing but get huffy about any other changes.
HashTagSwagg - 12/19/2023, 2:34 PM
@mountainman - Josh had issue's with Gunn casting Supergirl as white again so of course he's gonna race bait.
HenrySpiderman - 12/19/2023, 2:34 PM
@mountainman - He was being reasonble there respectfully.

and they aren't adapting a character from the comics, they are changing the race of their main character. Sure loki had like side variants, but its not the same if they wanted to recast tom hiddlestone they would get somebody looks like hiddlestone.

Plus I feel it sends a poor message recastign your black actor as a white guy cause the black actor hit his wife lol.
HashTagSwagg - 12/19/2023, 2:36 PM
@HeWhoBeatsDames - JK was just fan appeasement, Reed still has a 78% of being black
HenrySpiderman - 12/19/2023, 2:39 PM
@HashTagSwagg - I thought Pedro was Reed?
RedFury - 12/19/2023, 2:41 PM
@mountainman - all those iterations aren't the films though. I get what you're saying, and had they included different races, genders, etc. of Kang when we saw the council I think making a change like that could have been done without backlash.

But they didn't, and what we're left with is a giant council that looks all like one guy. So to me it would be a harder sell to just make him white now, vs. had they laid the ground work for it earlier.

I'd have to agree that this phase isn't firing on all cylinders. They weren't concise enough about their goal, and it seems quite aimless compared to the gauntlet storyline.

And I won't get into the race swapping conversation because I know how sensitive that can be on here haha. But I do admit that there is a certain amount of hypocrisy when it comes to that topic on both sides aisle.
HenrySpiderman - 12/19/2023, 2:43 PM
@RedFury - This. Honestly they should aim for someone who looks like majors and do that way. be weird if that council disapeared and we don't see that variant again.
HashTagSwagg - 12/19/2023, 2:45 PM
@HenrySpiderman - Full on Afro Sue Storm it is in
HenrySpiderman - 12/19/2023, 2:45 PM
@HashTagSwagg - Huh? What does have to do with what I wrote?
RedFury - 12/19/2023, 2:50 PM
@HenrySpiderman - i think so too, but Majors has a very specific look, and I honestly can't think of many other actors that look like him. It's hard to think of a suitable replacement.

I like the idea of picking an older actor to replace him. Gives us a more experienced looking Kang to finish the job so to speak.
HashTagSwagg - 12/19/2023, 2:52 PM
@HenrySpiderman -
HenrySpiderman - 12/19/2023, 2:52 PM
@RedFury - Its tough for sure. Really though they need someone with his grumbly sort of....gruffy look? Im not sure how to desrcribe it

They wont get denzel but I think thats another good option. You can say he's an older Kang or the original prime Kang.
HenrySpiderman - 12/19/2023, 2:53 PM
@HashTagSwagg - Im glad you agree you made no sense with that response lmao.
RedFury - 12/19/2023, 2:57 PM
@HenrySpiderman - yeah I hear you. Someone with a face that you'll distinctly remember. Majors has one of those faces that can be kind, mean, smart, etc. I think thats why I was excited to see him playing a bunch of different variants. He's able to embody different kinds of people well.

Denzel would be amazing, but yeah I can't see him stepping up to this. He doesn't really seem to jump into these kinds of big franchise films ad for as I can tell.

He might want some of that sweet grandpa money though. Seems to be a trend with a lot of older serious actors.
EgoEgor - 12/19/2023, 3:20 PM
@mountainman - "variants can be played by different actors" ... yes but the character's variants have been established as predominately black. Much like other variants of other characters as well. A lot of them looking exactly like the actors or having the same race and/or gender. This isn't some narrative that 's being pushed. It's obvious from the Kang arena that the vast majority look like Majors and are black. So recasting with that in mind only make sense, and you and/or others are trying to push a perceived agenda that isn't there for the sake of outrage.
EgoEgor - 12/19/2023, 3:37 PM
@mountainman - "How is race swapping not the agenda?"... Race swapping only seems to be an agenda when it goes against the type of casting you want. Casting the character as white and swapping him from an established black version isn't worth the outrage, but the vice versa is. Kinda hypocritical don't you think?
LiteraryJoe - 12/19/2023, 3:38 PM
@mountainman - Because of their physical similarities to the recast actor for the general audience. Notice they are the same skin tone not like Terrence Howard and don cheadle these ones aren’t black people theyre black people that LOOK LIKE Majors lol. Y’all need to let the journalists breathe a little lol
EgoEgor - 12/19/2023, 3:40 PM
@HenrySpiderman - "weird obsession with like wokeness now to be blunt." ... It's really sad. It's really allowed racist and sexist ideologies to have some semblance of justification for people who wouldn't believe that in other areas of life now or before.

Establishing a character as black in the MCU is considered race-swapping, but re-establishing that character as white race, who is now established as black in the MCU is not race-swapping. It's cognitive dissonance at work.
HenrySpiderman - 12/19/2023, 3:45 PM
@EgoEgor - Its just constant now. Scroll down you will ten people makign some joke about representation. Its so [frick]ing boring now.
SATW42 - 12/19/2023, 4:09 PM
@mountainman - I have no idea what Marvel is actually thinking, or what Josh's reasonings were, but for me, the easiest route here is to recast based on look as historically it seems easier for general audiences to accept. Like the Rhodes recast.

Also, you have to remember we're in a niche little bubble on this site. My wife has seen essentially every marvel project and had NO IDEA Majors was in legal trouble, and when I told her last night about him being fired she said "oh yeah, I think I saw something about that earlier, what was that about"

Thats someone who literally takes in all of this media and they still didn't know about this, because they don't live and breathe this shit all day on sites like this.
SATW42 - 12/19/2023, 4:11 PM
@mountainman - all that is to say, if all of a sudden after seeing Kang in Loki, Quantumania (where there were thousands of him) and Loki 2, it would be quite jarring to audiences if all of a sudden John Krasinski was like "sup I'm Kang"
SATW42 - 12/19/2023, 4:12 PM
@mountainman - sometimes it's not an agenda, it's simply the easiest solution. Maybe even the laziest if we're being honest, but sometimes the easiest solution is the best solution.
nimso27 - 12/19/2023, 4:40 PM
@mountainman - in the comic's isn't Kang purple? Just asking
mountainman - 12/19/2023, 5:28 PM
@nimso27 - He has purple on his outfit. You may be thinking of the blue mask that typically covers his white skin.
soup3161 - 12/21/2023, 9:02 AM
@mountainman - why do you care so much about making this point that you needed to comment? Just the fact that you needed to put this thought out for others to comment on says that you’re either a bigot or a troll.
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