DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE Promo Art Reveals A New Variant Of The Merc With The Mouth - SPOILERS

DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE Promo Art Reveals A New Variant Of The Merc With The Mouth - SPOILERS

DEADPOOL AND WOLVERINE Face-Off On New International Posters
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DEADPOOL AND WOLVERINE Face-Off On New International Posters

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Doomsday8888 - 6/11/2024, 5:50 AM
"Regardless, according to The Cosmic Circus - the site that originally broke the Scarlet Witch/Magneto news"

What Scarlet Witch/Magneto news? The one they are debunking?
DravenCorvis - 6/11/2024, 6:16 AM
@Doomsday8888 - This.
Apophis71 - 6/11/2024, 9:38 AM
@Doomsday8888 - Yup, that is what a bunch of these scoopers have been throwing out a lot, a they are considering 'rumor' knowing that most films (doubly so ones like this) will have dozens of ideas being thrown about early on that will never make it into a single iteration of the story anyway (making it easy to throw out educated guesses and fake leaks).

We'll get much of the same with who will be on the NEW post secret wars Xmen team, they COULD be considering any of the first 25 mutants to be members for the initial team along with a bunch of later additions in the comics but likely only be only six to eight on the team so most 'under consideration' won't make it into a script or even into the movie at all.
grouch - 6/11/2024, 5:54 AM
ObserverIO - 6/11/2024, 6:02 AM
@grouch - You can't fire him, he's freelance!
DravenCorvis - 6/11/2024, 6:16 AM
@grouch - If only.
Blergh - 6/11/2024, 6:38 AM
@grouch - hate him as much as you want, he brings traffic and interaction to this site. He’s the necessary evil Nate needs for this to thrive and I’m sure Josh is aware of that. He’s doing what he must, whether he likes it or not. His name has become tainted, even if his heart desired love and adoration, he does what must be done to keep this site alive.
braunermegda - 6/11/2024, 6:46 AM
@Blergh - OK josh didn't need another account to write that
JoshWilding - 6/11/2024, 6:46 AM
@Blergh - Thanks for the comment. I've said this before, but I think a lot of you forget what a small percentage of traffic the commenters are...that Taylor Swift article from last night, for example, has 86 comments (many from the same people) and well over 100x more pageviews than that.

My name is only "tainted" with a tiny percentage of trolls with a grudge because I've once said something they disagree with...with the people who matter (studio reps, various execs I've spoken to over the years), it's a completely different story. But yes, fire me and look forward to 2 or 3 articles being posted a day. 🙃
braunermegda - 6/11/2024, 6:53 AM
@JoshWilding - 2 or 3 articles a day with quality are better than your thousand lists or bulshit rumours that drags this site to disbelief. Alright, it had a lot of interactions, but it's mainly people complaining. I get it, at the end of the day what matters is the clicks, and with that thought the reputation of this site goes by each day.

But hey, 2 or 3 articles a day we'll written is bad, why don't we get a top 10 rumours we want to believe about marvel?

People aim at you not because you said something they disagree (although some may). You're not dumb, you probably read the comments. 100+ comments of something where 90 of them are complaining about the content is not s good thing, dude. But you're getting clicks, so who cares, right?
JoshWilding - 6/11/2024, 7:03 AM
@braunermegda - The comments section is playing up for me, so I'm having to reply in a new thread.

For starters, I post 15 lists per month. That's it. 15. No more, no less. That's an average of one every other day - if you feel that strongly about them, don't read them. As for rumours, I don't think I share any more or less of those than the other regular contributors here.

And yes, who cares if an article which generates this site tens of thousands of pageviews has the same dozen or so users crying and whining about hating rumours and cracking the same old "" jokes? I've taken feedback on board and made sure "RUMOR" or "Reportedly" is in any headline where it's a rumour so you guys can choose NOT to click.

I posted two rumours yesterday and 10 breaking news stories, ranging from posters to interviews and ratings. So no, I'm not sweating people like "DravenCorvus" who spend hours of their free time on this site directing abuse at me.
Malatrova15 - 6/11/2024, 8:01 AM
@grouch - ol bud thats enough
bobevanz - 6/11/2024, 9:11 AM
@grouch - Hearsay! Rumors! Made up shit! We have it all at CBM!
bobevanz - 6/11/2024, 9:12 AM
@Blergh - anyone could write this shit, anyone could copy and paste made up news, anyone can make terrible lists.. so why are we forced to such low levels of journalism? Big word to use for him haha
bobevanz - 6/11/2024, 9:14 AM
@braunermegda - he probably blocked you like He does everybody else because he has thin skin and he's terrible "journalist"
grouch - 6/11/2024, 10:55 AM
@bobevanz - he removed a comment on his latest article from me. i cried.
Crtdacct2say - 6/11/2024, 5:56 AM
Always impressive when I site promotes a wild rumor of their own making and then makes a new rumor about how that rumor was cut when I reality it never was in the movie
IAmAHoot - 6/11/2024, 6:41 AM
@Crtdacct2say - This was a rumor around a good while ago now; it's not new. A big part of this movie was expected as explained above in the article, with the climax essetially being something of a re-hash of the climax of X:Men - The Last Stand, but fighting off against the Scarleth Witch instead of Phoenix, and with Dedpool and Wolverine teaming up with a bunch of mutants who had survived to take her down. But it never sounded anything like the movie Ryan Reynolds wanted to make. The actual written out description of the plot barely had the two of them together for the buddy-travel movie that Reynolds' demanded.
Apophis71 - 6/11/2024, 9:44 AM
@IAmAHoot - Wasn't there actual confirmed news that Ryan pitched a whole bunch of story ideas until one clicked and stuck, fairly sure there were quotes of Reynolds stating as much (may have been others pitching the ideas but was deffo quoted somewhere about a lot of em in the mix early on) so that story could easily have been one of the ideas he/they pitched if so that never made the cut.
IAmAHoot - 6/11/2024, 9:52 AM
@Apophis71 - He pitched a lot of ideas, but none quite as wild as this leak that was going on full multiverse speculation instead of an actual Deadpool film itself. And, as I said, Deadpool and Wolverine weren't even paired for the plot, other than coinciding here and there, mostly later in the film. Reynolds wanted a movie with Deadpool and Wolverine side-by-side. He's been very vocal about that for a very long time. For him to pitch an idea where the two of them aren't together just doesn't add up, aside from when Wolverine/Hugh Jackman was fully off the table.
Apophis71 - 6/11/2024, 10:13 AM
@IAmAHoot - Oh I think the rumor was more probably just a guess or made up, just could have seen it being pitched that early on they could visit that world at least (amongst others) and he was sent by the TVA there in his first mission with them or where one of the Wolverine variants he was trying to recruit was, not the whole film revolved around it and if that was the case and leaked it could have been twisted/expanded out of context is all :D
DravenCorvis - 6/11/2024, 6:17 AM
Scarlet Witch and Magneto were going to pop up in this?

First time I'm hearing it.
CorndogBurglar - 6/11/2024, 6:34 AM
@DravenCorvis - There were rumors, but certainly nothing confirmed. Ever since a bunch of X-Men were heavily Rumored To be in it Magneto was always listed among them. And I remember a rumor saying Jean Grey would fight Scarlet Witch.

But these are all rumors, of course.
IAmAHoot - 6/11/2024, 6:34 AM
Aside from maybe an Ian McKellan cameo, and only if Patrick Stewart appeared too, this wild rumor was so long ago that this is so ridiculous to even bring up. Never mind that the rumor was so ludicrous it could be dispelled really quickly with some common logic.
Blergh - 6/11/2024, 6:41 AM
McKellan not being in this would be a massive disappointment.
Look, the Fox Men films had some stinkers but were immersively important for this genre we love.

Stewart, McKellan, Jannsen, Berry, Marsden, Grammer, Romjin and other X Men actors deserve to be part of this celebratory send off.
grouch - 6/11/2024, 7:00 AM
@Blergh - I'd rather it was Fassbender with long white hair.
TheVisionary25 - 6/11/2024, 7:05 AM
Interesting if true , hope we get official confirmation about this in the future after the film is released.

It would be interesting to see the fallout of Wanda’s massacre on Earth 838 by using the remaining powered characters there who want to retaliate which could lead to an incursion but we’ll see..

Given that they are saying to wait & see the movie to understand why that didn’t happen makes me think plans changed and that maybe that Earth was pruned or more likely destroyed by Cassandra Nova for whatever agenda she has and that some of the cameos we’ll see in this are characters from 838.
Feralwookiee - 6/11/2024, 7:51 AM
Floke - 6/11/2024, 8:29 AM
@Feralwookiee - Ive heard there is a cameo, but it will be swift.
Feralwookiee - 6/11/2024, 8:45 AM
@Floke - User Comment Image

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