INSIDE OUT 2 Is The First Movie Of The Year To Pass $1 Billion At The Worldwide Box Office

INSIDE OUT 2 Is The First Movie Of The Year To Pass $1 Billion At The Worldwide Box Office

Pixar Returns To The Top Of The Box Office As INSIDE OUT 2 Opens To A Joyous $295 Million Worldwide
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Pixar Returns To The Top Of The Box Office As INSIDE OUT 2 Opens To A Joyous $295 Million Worldwide

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IAmAHoot - 6/30/2024, 5:02 AM
Do you have any idea how crazy good this movie would have to be to be successful?!
EgoEgor - 6/30/2024, 5:05 PM
@IAmAHoot - good? Good has nothing to do with it. I hope this movie bombs to oblivion so they can stop making the live action remakes. Hope Mufasa bombs too.
IAmAHoot - 6/30/2024, 8:45 PM
@EgoEgor - Your issues seem to run deep…
WhateverItTakes - 6/30/2024, 5:13 AM
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ProfessorWhy - 6/30/2024, 5:21 AM
They could have just treated dwarves as a fictional race the way most fantasy does and made a great movie despite the unavoidable complaints this old fashioned story was going to get regardless. But it's not something like Tarzan that cannot be divested from its problematic elements
dracula - 6/30/2024, 10:16 AM
@ProfessorWhy - so what is problematic about Tarzan?

im sure there is some stuff in the books but movies tend to leave that stuff out.
ProfessorWhy - 6/30/2024, 10:34 AM
@dracula - the basic argument is that the only thing that really separates the character from the other people of the region the story takes place in is race. And so then why would none of these black Africans ever gain the powers that Tarzan acquired, and why would they require a white savior as many of the stories portray him to be
Batmangina - 6/30/2024, 1:43 PM
@ProfessorWhy - It was written in 1912 FFS

Perhaps if they had a black Police Commissioner it would help?
ObserverIO - 6/30/2024, 3:14 PM
@ProfessorWhy - He was raised by Apes, that's what made him special. Not that he's white. I don't see him as a white savior, personally.
NathanielX - 6/30/2024, 11:53 PM
@ObserverIO - The plot of him leaving to England, doesnt make sense if he is from Africa 🤣
ObserverIO - 7/1/2024, 4:12 AM
@NathanielX - He's from England. He's a viscount and the son of a British lord and lady. They were marooned in Africa when Tarzan was an infant and then his parents were killed and he was adopted by the Apes.
Radders - 7/1/2024, 8:53 AM
@ProfessorWhy - Tarzan doesn't have powers
McCabe - 6/30/2024, 5:23 AM
this movie is like race bending black panther. you can race bend any Disney princess that is white but not snow white its like race swapping Mulan or Pocahontas you just cant the original story identifies her as white then there's whole story with not casting dwarfs in the roles and Rachel hating on the original calling the prince a creep and weard. this movie is gonna bomb
Feralwookiee - 6/30/2024, 10:16 AM
@McCabe - User Comment Image 🤣
narrow290 - 6/30/2024, 10:45 AM
@Feralwookiee - I latterly just shit my pants man, you are so funny! Holy shit, what if they made Black, Panther White Panther. Oh, my god that would teach them
Feralwookiee - 6/30/2024, 10:57 AM
@narrow290 - If everyone is cool with race and gender swapping, then why not this?
Ot can't just go "one way".
Why can't we have an Asian transgender Storm who is a double amputee?
Turklander - 6/30/2024, 3:00 PM
@McCabe - I can't wait to see Rachel Zegler's career implode, she is incredibly narcissistic, virtue signally, and entitled and embodies everything I hate about modern celebrity culture
EgoEgor - 6/30/2024, 5:02 PM
@McCabe - dude...she looks [frick]ing white. What are you talking about?
EgoEgor - 6/30/2024, 5:09 PM
@Feralwookiee - "then why not this?"

Because race is actually relevant to the fictional world of Black Panther and Wakanda. But hey, don't like that muddle your forced outrage.
Feralwookiee - 6/30/2024, 5:22 PM
@EgoEgor - Nobody's "outraged". I just think it's hypocritical. If it's good for the goose, it's good for the gander.
More importantly, to these DEI people, why does "diversity" always mean putting more black people in things, and ignoring Latinos. Asians. Arabs, etc?

There are millions more Latinos in the United States than there are black people, yet blacks are overrepresented in media, while Hispanics are underepresented.

I just don't believe in double standards and virtue signaling. My thing is with Hollywood is it is full of hypocritcal elites who are obviously not sincere and only pander to specific groups, while ignoring others.
I'm always looking for consistency with people's "belief systems" and I see very little from these folks.
Just my 2 cents.
EgoEgor - 6/30/2024, 5:40 PM
@Feralwookiee - sounds like you've been brainwashed with a bunch of horseshit. You checked of all the outrage talking points(not saying your outraged in this instance, but that's what everyone of these culture war grifters say)

"why does "diversity" always mean putting more black people in things, and ignoring Latinos. Asians. Arabs, etc?"

Who the hell said that? You're arguing a point no one is making.

Should more people be represented? Sure. At the end of the day, I don't care, just make a good movie.

"There are millions more Latinos in the United States than there are black people, yet blacks are overrepresented in media, while Hispanics are underepresented."

Why does it have to be a competition? Should there be more Hispanic leads? Sure, but like I said, I dont care about the characters race unless it is VITAL to the story. At the end of the day, why does black representation have to take blame for lack of Hispanic representation?

At the end of the day, white leads are primarily the vast majority of films, why isn't your problem with that, why is it with the few black leads there are and then you gleefully want to take that away.

At the end of the day, I don't care what race the character is, I can empathize with people who don't look like me, I'm not about this culture war bullshit. And this whole "cast a white lead as black panther" had become a staple in that now; while ignoring the fact that Wakanda is a country that has been isolated for thousands of years, obviously having him be white makes no sense in that fictional Paradigm.

Odekahn - 6/30/2024, 6:27 PM
@EgoEgor - How?
Radders - 7/1/2024, 9:00 AM
@EgoEgor - I agree re Black Panther, but in a similar context, it didn't seem to be a problem with the casting of the Asgardians
HermanM - 6/30/2024, 5:34 AM
More anti white propaganda where they won't even use dwarves in the story. Pathetic.
FireandBlood - 6/30/2024, 5:46 AM
Even if they cast a chick paler than chalk and a bunch of actual dwarves, you guys still would’ve complained about it being another Disney remake.
HappyMan1 - 6/30/2024, 6:05 AM
@FireandBlood - Bro...why...honestly, were you even gonna see this garbage?

Even if they cast the whitest woman on the face of the Earth, would you even still see this dogshit? Aren't you tired of Disney yet? Like, I don't understand why anyone even entertains them anymore.

Disney just sucks. They genuinely suck to a point where I don't even know how to describe it anymore. They just fkn suck. I honestly believe the world would be a better place if the Walt Disney Corporation just...stopped existing
FireandBlood - 6/30/2024, 6:06 AM
@HappyMan1 - Disney make a lot of great content, but I’ve got no interest in Snow White, so no, I wouldn’t see it. But neither do you, let’s be honest. So why pretend to care?
bkmeijer1 - 6/30/2024, 6:07 AM
@FireandBlood - I'm all for trying something different from the source material because 1-on-1 adaptations are lazy, but yeah I would've complained anyway.

Think Disney should just stop remaking their classics and instead focus on cult classics like Treasure Planet or Treasure Planet. Those deserve to reach a larger audience.
HappyMan1 - 6/30/2024, 6:11 AM
@FireandBlood - I dont care, but I like to see what people are talking about.

And I disagree with you when you say Disney makes great content. Yeah, maybe back in the Golden Ages before 2003, but not anymore. Their rare hits doesn't justify their existence anymore. They are an evil corporation.

I mean this seriously. They are genuinely evil.
FireandBlood - 6/30/2024, 6:25 AM
@HappyMan1 - Ah, well I don’t know what to tell you. I enjoy a lot of their content. 🤷‍♂️
Matchesz - 6/30/2024, 6:40 AM
@HappyMan1 - They cast a black actor as the huntsman, the tall heroic black guy gon rescue her from the short ugly freaky looking white dudes lol
marvel72 - 6/30/2024, 7:34 AM
@FireandBlood -

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TheRogue - 6/30/2024, 11:23 AM
@Matchesz - Doesent the huntsman try to kill her?
EgoEgor - 6/30/2024, 5:07 PM
@FireandBlood - "complained about it being another Disney remake"

I feel like that complaint is actually warranted.
Deadinside - 7/1/2024, 11:44 AM
@bkmeijer1 - "focus on cult classics like Treasure Planet or Treasure Planet."

So, which Treasure Planet was your favorite?☮️😜
bkmeijer1 - 7/1/2024, 4:48 PM
@Deadinside - the movie and the comic? Kidding, you got me. I meant to say Treasure Planet and Atlantis. No idea what went wrong there.
Deadinside - 7/1/2024, 8:02 PM
@bkmeijer1 - Yeah, I knew you meant Atlantis, as you had mentioned them both in similar prior threads!
I would love to see live action versions of either one of those...!☮️👍
bkmeijer1 - 7/2/2024, 2:09 AM
@Deadinside - good on you for paying attention. But yeah, I bring them up at every chance I got. Now if only I get Disney to listen.
bkmeijer1 - 6/30/2024, 6:05 AM
I applaud Disney for trying, but I think they have another shitshow on their hands. After Marvel and Star Wars already having had to fight an uphill battle with The Marvels and The Acolyte, now Disney gets to try it with their brand.
mountainman - 6/30/2024, 6:49 AM
That final budget has to be huge now. So this would have to clean up at the BO to turn a profit. Interesting how the article didn’t mention some of the controversial stuff Ziegler was saying in interviews. That stuff seemed to rile everyone up as much as the things that were officially released from Disney. Maybe someday these creatives can realize that it they say controversial things in interviews, this can affect the reception of their show/movie.
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