New MORTAL KOMBAT 1 Trailer Reveals Homelander's Gruesome Fatalities

New MORTAL KOMBAT 1 Trailer Reveals Homelander's Gruesome Fatalities

Johnny Cage Actor Karl Urban Shares New MORTAL KOMBAT 2 BTS Photo As Filming Wraps
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Johnny Cage Actor Karl Urban Shares New MORTAL KOMBAT 2 BTS Photo As Filming Wraps

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FusionWarrior - 11/15/2023, 9:03 PM
Ryguy88 - 11/16/2023, 7:55 AM
@FusionWarrior - get cole young outta here!
Origame - 11/15/2023, 9:06 PM
Urban is still such a weird choice.
WruceBayne - 11/15/2023, 9:26 PM
@Origame - AGREED! Joel McHale would’ve been a better choice even though he’s too old now.
dracula - 11/15/2023, 9:34 PM
@Origame - stephen amell would have been a good pick
Origame - 11/15/2023, 9:35 PM
@WruceBayne - what's weird is he's the same age as urban.
mountainman - 11/15/2023, 10:18 PM
@Origame - He seems more like a Kano to me.
JustAWaffle - 11/16/2023, 1:31 AM
@Origame - it looks like they’re going for the washed up old actor angle with him.
videovac - 11/16/2023, 2:00 AM
"AGREED! Joel McHale would’ve been a better choice even though he’s too old now." - @WruceBayne

There's a reason no one up-voted this comment. No he wouldn't have.
Origame - 11/16/2023, 4:31 AM
@videovac - he's literally already playing one of the most well received versions of cage.
WarMonkey - 11/16/2023, 8:12 AM
@Origame - He was fantastic in Scorpion's Revenge! They kinda did his character dirty though in the other movies. I haven't even bothered to watch the new one that's a prequel to his MK story. It's looks like ass and I say that as a fan of the other movies even though each one has a noticeable decline in quality.
WruceBayne - 11/16/2023, 3:16 PM
@videovac - but you cared enough to comment. Thanks. You can go sit back down now.
NinnesMBC - 11/15/2023, 9:07 PM
Let's see what Karl Urban brings to Johnny Cage.

Tati Gabrielle being here is cool too.
TheVisionary25 - 11/15/2023, 9:15 PM
While I did get some enjoyment out of the first one , I do hope this is an improvement overall especially in regards to the fight scenes.

I am still not fully sold on Urban as Johnny Cage but the dude is a welcome presence in anything for me so i hope he proves me wrong!!.

harryba11zack - 11/15/2023, 9:16 PM
URCOMMENTSUCKS - 11/15/2023, 9:18 PM
Why didn't they cast some young bloke who is actually known as a cheesy action star? I dunno, Scott Adkins, maybe? Urban was known to be in B-movie schlock + he is in his 50 or some and has to dye his hair. But at least they didn't cast The Rock, cuz I'd [redacted] myself if they did.
HashTagSwagg - 11/15/2023, 9:23 PM
@URCOMMENTSUCKS - Urban's only 4 years older than Adkins and although Adkins could do the action stuff, Urban's the better actor and a better fit for the humour side.
Timerider - 11/16/2023, 4:26 AM
@URCOMMENTSUCKS - The Rock should play Baraka honestly.
WarMonkey - 11/16/2023, 8:17 AM
@URCOMMENTSUCKS - I love Urban, I'm one of his biggest fans and have been for like 20 plus years, but I don't like this casting. I'm sick of watching actors with no fight experience playing as fighters in fight movies. I don't want to watch anymore directing and editing tricks like frantic quick-cuts because the actor can't actually throw a kick or look like a real fighter on their own.
HashTagSwagg - 11/15/2023, 9:19 PM
This shit scarred me as a kid, it was only years later that I realised it was a different actor.
WarMonkey - 11/16/2023, 8:18 AM
@HashTagSwagg - JOHN-KNEE!!!!
ModHaterSLADE - 11/15/2023, 9:20 PM
Glad Urban is involved, but damn I would have loved to have seen him play Kano in the last film.
TheVisionary25 - 11/15/2023, 9:22 PM
@ModHaterSLADE - he would have been a good Kano but I thought Josh Lawson was the best part of that movie.

WaffeX - 11/15/2023, 10:41 PM
@TheVisionary25 - Can't believe that Kano was played by this guy of "House of Lies"
ModHaterSLADE - 11/15/2023, 11:53 PM
@TheVisionary25 - Easily
Ryguy88 - 11/16/2023, 7:57 AM
@ModHaterSLADE - the guy they got for Kano was good
WarMonkey - 11/16/2023, 8:19 AM
@Ryguy88 - He was great, he was defiantly the best part of the movie.
McMurdo - 11/15/2023, 9:32 PM
Slater writing means it could be better than first.
dracula - 11/15/2023, 9:33 PM
Really dont see him as a Johnny Cage

He seems more like a Kano or Stryker or Kabol
bobevanz - 11/15/2023, 9:37 PM
Hmm I can't see all the comments.. who tf blocked me now lol
SirDuckAlot - 11/15/2023, 9:39 PM
The first one was so bad that Ed Boon doesn't even acknowledge it.
HashTagSwagg - 11/15/2023, 9:46 PM
@SirDuckAlot - Huh?
harryba11zack - 11/15/2023, 10:06 PM
@SirDuckAlot -
SirDuckAlot - 11/15/2023, 10:06 PM
@HashTagSwagg - The characters looking vaguely like the movie doesn't prove a point.
harryba11zack - 11/15/2023, 10:06 PM
@SirDuckAlot -
harryba11zack - 11/15/2023, 10:11 PM
@SirDuckAlot - Also where do you think kenshi got his good looks from?
HashTagSwagg - 11/15/2023, 10:20 PM
@SirDuckAlot - Boon approved those looks and they are a clear inspiration. Sub-zero has been a jobber since Deadly alliance. This film made the OG a badass villain, so much so that the games ditched the good guy brother sub zero who had been a main stay for years and went back to the first and made him a villain just like the film. You may not like it but the film undoubtedly left a strong enough impression on the dev's.
WarMonkey - 11/16/2023, 8:22 AM
@harryba11zack - I'm still pissed about them doing Kung lao dirty. He's always been one of my favorites and they keep disrespecting him in everything now, it's weird. They did a similar thing in the animated sequel to Scorpion's Revenge too.
HashTagSwagg - 11/16/2023, 12:24 PM
@WarMonkey - He appears to be back for the sequel, could be a revenant or flash back but at least they are still doing something with him.
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